Monday, March 15, 2010

Should milk be Re-pasteurized?

Re-pasteurizing the milk could be possibly an issue to Productos Lacteos. Mostly where ever your parents go to buy food they find milk in gallons, which indicates that the milk has been process through a machine called pasteurizer. First the milk is taken out of the cow then goes through some tubes that will take the milk to the pasteurizer then it is gallon and ready to be consume. Many of you may ask yourselves, "but what does the pasteurizer do to the milk?" Well, the pasteurizer is a machine that heats the milk to a temperature at 145 degrees for at least thirty minutes (State requirement), during that time the heat kills all possible bacteria the milk could have so that the people consuming it won't get any health problems. In the past few years some citizens has been diagnose with bovine tuberculosis which is transmitted through bacteria in the raw milk and causes problems to the respiratory system. In addition, many people until this date consume raw milk just because they find a better taste than pasteurized milk. Once the milk has been pasteurized it is good to go for anything that is why milk that has been process already shouldn't be re-pasteurized just because of the fact that it will be turned into some other product that is not milk. Re-Pasteurizing the milk could affect the way our products taste, think of it this way "if the milk has been pasteurize to killed all the germs and yet it hasn't pass the due date, why should it be pasteurize again?" We have process the three different milks into cheese raw milk, pasteurized milk and re-pasteurized milk the results came out to be that the raw milk cheese had a stronger taste because it had more bacteria in it, the pasteurized milk had the results we wanted which was not a strong taste and neither a weak taste, the double pasteurized milk had a not so weak taste but its not got the kind we want. In one of our slangs "Quality is what makes our company" we want our clients to feel satisfied with our products, therefore, in my opinion milk shouldn't be re-pasteurized again just because it will be process into something else, no matter what the bacteria has already been killed when it was pasteurized for the first time.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Interview with one of the owners:

What motivate me to start this company is the profit you get out of it. Also, to help other people have a better life. I hope to make good moeny, make lots of connections with other owners of different types of companies. I'm also looking forward to expand the company throughout differenct states of the country and if it is possible expand it internationally. Yes, I feel like I read the rules very well because it wouldn't only benefit myself and the company but it will also help me get my dairy technician licence because of the food safety I will be taking in about six months. I will be opening my business just like any other usual business. Are you going to be celebrating afterwards? Yes, I will be celebrating maybe just pop a bottle of champane and eat delicious food. My products are different from others because our products will be made best way possible, wash the supplies every single time that they are used. Do you consider your products the best? Absolutely, it has been proven by the people that buy our products they always ask for more besides that they refer our products to other people and thats how it expands each time. Our products are best quality, produce safely and with the best authentic taste, I think thats what make our products stand out more than others on the market. In the next five years I see my company at the highest distribution network all over the U.S. What is your impression on the company "El Mexicano" with the same products? Its defenelty the company thats at the top of the line right now but I aiming at the same idea as they have be an international company, that applies to all companies. I will be maganing the money myself because I'm planning on taking some accounting classes. Where? In a community college, south seattle would be the best option. I would like to open new plants in different states of the U.S. Where would be your next plant operated? The answer is obvious, it would be in California since it is a really high concentrated state of hispanic people which my aiming clients. I incorporated my brother becasue of the fact that he has lots of stores willing to buy our products, he has made lots of business connections so I found that really beneficial for me.